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Hi, I'm Amman Das
Computing Scientist

Motivated student researcher at the University of Alberta seeking to work in software & utilize strong problem-solving skills. Well-versed in all aspects of the SDLC and end-to-end project development, from concept through to delivery. Diverse tech stack experience from data-driven or AI/ML focused, to Web APIs. Competent & team-player mindset.

About me

I'm a 3rd year BS Honors student in Computing Science at the University of Alberta, while currently working as an Assistant Researcher for AI Research with the Computing Science Department

My passion for learning new technologies with a hands-on approach have allowed me to gain tons of knowledge in various fields of Computing Science, and learn proficiency in multiple programming languages & expertise in software engineering practices (Object Oriented Design, Agile Methodologies etc) and developed strong problem-solving skills

I have research level expertise in AI Theory with respect to ML & applications into Neural Networks, with experience handling GANS to reduce prediction losses and overall bias towards sensitive attributes

I've also aquired knowledge of important data structures & algorithms, as well as modern relational database architecture and the SQL language, all of which have been demonstrated in my projects

Languages & Tools

Python     Java     C     C++     R     Julia     HTML     CSS     VSCode     Git     SQL    

MySQL     MongoDB     OpenCV     MS     Tableau

Software Concepts

Core Software Engineering practices (Object Oriented Design, Agile Methodologies)

Data Structures & Algorithm

Agile (scrum) practices for Android app development with Git & respective User Stories

AI/ML Concepts

GANs & VAE implementations for classifiers

Supervised & Unsupervised learning

Multiagent Systems & Reinforcement Learning

Detection Algorithms for Edge (Canny) & Outliers (COPOD)

Soft skills

Exceptional problem-solving

Critical thinking skills

Unorthodox solutions

Self-motivated & Independent work ethic

Time-management skills

Excellent Communication skills & Collaborative nature

My Career

2022 - present

Software Developer

Whistling Solutions

Developing software applications to release SaaS products. Researching market trends to build unique features

Used Firebase and Flutter to develop a Employee Manager app. Prototype nearing release on iOS & Android

Personally working on designing a Calorie Tracker app with an attractive UI not offered by other competitors

Potential to draw in the customer base of millions of people who would like to lose or maintain weight

2022 - present

Assistant Researcher for AI

University of Alberta

Improved GAN’s for the learning classifiers which helped reduce bias amongst sensitive attributes

Built synthetic data for data groups with small sample sizes to minimize loss on their predictions

Currently researching possible implementations on upsampling correlated features between data points

Primarily used Python & its libraries - tensorflow, pyTorch, pandas, NumPy to develop ML algorithms

2022 - 2022

Data Science Intern

Data Glacier

Acquired knowledge on concepts in data science like regression, classification, data preparation

Used visualization tools Tableau & Power BI for modeling data, built dashboards & made analytical inferences

Gained hands-on experience with ETL workflows & big data pipelines using Snowflake

My Education

2020 - present

Bachelors of Science Honors in Computing Science

University of Alberta

Currently working as an Assistant Researcher for AI under a professor, worked on GANs

Using Scrum practices, built a Meal Tracker android app with a group of 4

Avg Yearly 3.4 GPA

Science Major High School Diploma

GEMS Education

Final year 95.4% grade

My Portfolio

Here is some of my work that I've done in various programming languages
Includes github links for projects in AI and software

Meal Tracker App

Agile group project
(android studio, firebase, Java)


Itinenary Planner

Web based API
(Google API, Redux, React.js)


Wordle Word Opener

unsupervised ML model
(python, tensorflow, pandas)


MNIST Learning

(python, tensorflow, keras)



Pong game with OOP
(python, pygame)


Memory Game

Memory game with OOP
(python, pygame)


Lane Identification

with Computer Vision

Lane Identification algorithm with OpenCV
(python, OpenCV, tensorflow)


Contact Information




:   Edmonton, Canada




:   ammandas03@gmail.com




:   University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada

  Mobile Number



:   7806195563